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Unmissable events in Valencia: Experience the city all year round!

Valencia, known for its rich culture, vibrant nightlife, and stunning architecture, also hosts numerous events throughout the year. There’s something for every traveller, in every season!

From music festivals to food fairs, sporting events and cultural celebrations, we tell you all about the events that make Valencia the perfect destination all year round.

Music festivals: Vibrate to the sound of Valencia

If you’re a music lover, Valencia won’t disappoint you. The International Festival of Benicàssim, which takes place every summer, attracts music lovers from all over the world. But the music doesn’t stop with summer, other festivals like the Valencia Jazz Festival offer an alternative for the cooler months.

Valencian gastronomy: Delights you can’t miss

Valencia is famous for its paella, but the local cuisine has much more to offer. Festivals like the Tapas Fair, which is held in spring, or the Artichoke Week in winter, will allow you to taste the flavours of the region.

Sporting events: Action and adrenaline

Are you a sports fanatic? Valencia hosts exciting sporting events throughout the year. From the internationally known Valencia Marathon to the King’s Cup sailing regatta, there are sporting events for all tastes.

Culture and tradition: The most emblematic festivities

Las Fallas, Valencia’s most famous celebration, transforms the city into a spectacle of light and colour every March. However, there are many more parties and celebrations you can enjoy, such as the Battle of the Flowers in summer or the Day of the Valencian Community in October.

Plan your visit and enjoy Valencia’s events

Whether you’re passionate about music, food, sports, or culture, there’s an event in Valencia waiting for you. Plan your trip, book your stay directly with us, and discover why Valencia is a vibrant and exciting destination all year round. We look forward to welcoming you with open arms!

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