Free cancellation*

It’s almost always free
(Non-refundable rate)

Book direct

Without intermediaries

No hidden costs

No price surprises

The best prices

Low rates • No booking fees

Safe booking

With the latest technology

The fine print

  • By regulation we are forced not to accept guests under 18 years if not accompanied by an adult.
  • Guests under the age of 18 can not stay in a shared room, unless all occupants are members of their travel group.
  • You must present a valid identity document or passport when checking in.
  • You must leave a deposit of € 5 for the key and € 5 for the towel (do not worry that upon check-out you will be returned when you give the key and the towel in the same conditions that were given to you).
  • For special reservations of more than 9 people, special group conditions will apply. We recommend you to contact directly with our group department through the following form. You must fill all the fields and send it. We will contact you as soon as possible.
  • We accept payments with American express, Visa, Master Card and JCB.
  • You can wash your clothes in our laundry for only € 8.
  • Our license number is:

Cancellation Policies

  • Non refundable rate: The total amount will be charged at the time of the reservation. It won’t be refounded under any circunstances.
  • Standard rate: You can cancel without any charges up to 48h prior to arrival.
  • No show: In case of no show or late cancellation, the amount of the first night will be charged.
  • *In all the cases, the amount would be charged in the currency of your country.
INFORMACIÓN BÁSICA SOBRE LA PROTECCIÓN DE DATOS PERSONALES Responsable: BOOKING HOSTELS SL. Propósito: Así como para enviarle información comercial sobre nuestros productos y servicios. Legitimación: Su propio consentimiento, interés legítimo. Receptor: No comunicaremos sus datos a terceros, salvo obligación legal. Derechos: Puede ejercer sus derechos de acceso, rectificación o supresión de datos, así como otros derechos en Asimismo, le informamos que si no desea recibir información comercial sobre nuestros productos y servicios, por favor háganoslo saber en el cuerpo del mensaje (en el formulario anterior) o escríbanos a la dirección de correo electrónico indicada en el párrafo anterior.. Información adicional: Términos y condiciones

Direct booking

Without intermediaries

Breakfast and lunch


Family rooms

Shared rooms