Algemene voorwaarden

1. Purpose and acceptance

Deze wettelijke kennisgeving regelt het gebruik van de website (hierna te noemen HET WEB), eigendom van BOOKING HOSTELS S.L. (hierna te noemen DE EIGENAAR VAN HET WEB).

Browsing the website of THE OWNER OF THE WEB attributes the condition of the user thereof and implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the provisions included in this Legal Notice, which may be modified. The user undertakes to make correct use of the website in accordance with the law, good faith, public order, traffic uses, and this Legal Notice.

The user will respond to THE OWNER OF THE WEBSITE or to third parties, for any damages that may be caused as a result of a breach of said obligation.

2. Identification and communications

THE OWNER OF THE WEB, in compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, informs you that:  

  • De bedrijfsnaam is: BOOKING HOSTELS S.L.
  • CIF/NIF/NIE is: B98157274
  • Its registered office is at: C/ RODRIGUEZ DE CEPEDA Nº 35 – 46021 VALENCIA
  • Registered in the Mercantile Registry of: VALENCIA, VOLUME 9055, BOOK 6339, FOLIO 37, SECTION 8, SHEET V-134583, ENTRY 1.
  • Phone: +34 963 28 55 15
  • Email:

3. Communications

All notifications and communications between users and THE OWNER OF THE WEB will be considered effective, for all purposes, when they are made through postal mail or any other means detailed below:  

4. Conditions of access and use

The website and its services are free and open access, however, THE OWNER OF THE WEB conditions the use of some of the services offered on its website to the prior completion of the corresponding form.

The user guarantees the authenticity and timeliness of all data communicated to THE OWNER OF THE WEBSITE and will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made. The user expressly agrees to make appropriate use of the contents and services of THE OWNER OF THE WEB and not to use them for, among others:

  1. Disseminate criminal, violent, pornographic, racist, xenophobic, offensive content, advocating terrorism or, in general, contrary to law or public order.
  2. Introduce computer viruses into the network or carry out actions that may alter, spoil, interrupt or generate errors or damage to electronic documents, data, or physical and logical systems of THE WEBSITE OWNER or third parties; as well as hinder the access of other users to the website and its services through the massive consumption of computer resources through which THE OWNER OF THE WEB provides its services.
  3. Attempt to access the email accounts of other users or restricted areas of the computer systems of THE OWNER OF THE WEBSITE or third parties and, where appropriate, extract information.
  4. Violate the rights of intellectual or industrial property, as well as violate the confidentiality of the information of THE OWNER OF THE WEBSITE or third parties.
  5. Impersonate the identity of another user, public administration, or a third party.
  6. Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available to, or any other form of public communication, transform or modify the contents unless you have the authorization of the owner of the corresponding rights or this is legally permitted.
  7. Collect data for advertising purposes and send advertising of any kind and communications for sales purposes or others of a commercial nature without your prior request or consent.

5. Intellectual and industrial property

All the contents of the website, such as texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, as well as its graphic design and source codes, constitute a work whose property belongs to THE OWNER OF THE WEB, without being understood as transferred to user none of the exploitation rights over them beyond what is strictly necessary for the correct use of the web. In short, users who access this website can view the contents and make, where appropriate, authorized private copies, provided that the reproduced elements are not subsequently transferred to third parties, nor are they installed on servers connected to networks, nor are they subject to no kind of exploitation.

Likewise, all trademarks, trade names, or distinctive signs of any kind that appear on the website are the property of THE OWNER OF THE WEB, without it being understood that the use or access to it attributes to the user any right over them.

The distribution, modification, assignment, or public communication of the contents and any other act that has not been expressly authorized by the owner of the exploitation rights are prohibited.

6. Hyperlinks

The establishment of a hyperlink does not imply in any case the existence of relations between THE OWNER OF THE WEB and the owner of the website in which it is established, nor the acceptance and approval by THE OWNER OF THE WEB of its contents or services.

Those people who intend to establish a hyperlink must previously request authorization in writing from THE OWNER OF THE WEB.

In any case, the hyperlink will only allow access to the home page or home page of our website, likewise, you must refrain from making false, inaccurate, or incorrect statements or indications about THE OWNER OF THE WEB, or include illegal content, contrary to good customs and public order.

THE OWNER OF THE WEBSITE is not responsible for the use that each user gives to the materials made available on this website or for the actions carried out based on them.

In the hyperlinks to other places, as is also the case with social networks, THE OWNER OF THE WEB will not exercise any control over these places and contents, will not assume any responsibility for the contents of any link belonging to other external websites, nor will it guarantee the availability technique, quality, reliability, accuracy, amplitude, veracity, and validity of any material or information contained in any of said hyperlinks or other Internet sites.

7. Exclusion of warranties and liability

The content of this website is of a general nature and is for informational purposes only, without fully guaranteeing access to all content, nor its completeness, correctness, validity or timeliness, nor its suitability or usefulness for a specific purpose.

THE OWNER OF THE WEB excludes, to the extent permitted by law, any liability for damages of any nature arising from:

a) The impossibility of accessing the website or the lack of veracity, accuracy, completeness, and/or timeliness of the contents, as well as the existence of vices and defects of all kinds of the contents transmitted, disseminated, stored, made available, which have been accessed through the website or the services offered.

b) The presence of viruses or other elements in the content that may cause alterations in computer systems, electronic documents, or user data.

c) Failure to comply with the laws, good faith, public order, traffic uses, and this legal notice as a result of incorrect use of the website. In particular, and by way of example, THE OWNER OF THE WEB is not responsible for the actions of third parties that violate intellectual and industrial property rights, business secrets, rights to honor, personal and family privacy, and the image itself, as well as the regulations on unfair competition and illicit advertising.

Likewise, THE OWNER OF THE WEB declines any responsibility regarding the information that is outside this website and is not managed directly by our webmaster.

The function of the links that appear on this website is exclusively to inform the user about the existence of other sources capable of expanding the content offered by this website.

THE OWNER OF THE WEBSITE does not guarantee or take responsibility for the operation or accessibility of the linked sites; nor does it suggest, invite or recommend a visit to them, so it will not be responsible for the result obtained.

THE OWNER OF THE WEB is not responsible for the establishment of hyperlinks by third parties.

8. Procedure in case of carrying out illegal activities

If THE OWNER OF THE WEB becomes aware of the use of web services for activities that harm rights or that constitute illicit acts, it will take the necessary measures to repress and eliminate these activities, reserving the right to initiate legal action.

In the event that any user or third party considers that there are facts or circumstances that reveal the illicit nature of the use of any content and/or the performance of any activity on the web pages included or accessible through the website, they must send a notification to THE OWNER OF THE WEB duly identifying himself, specifying the alleged infractions.

9. Publications

The administrative information provided through the website does not replace the legal publicity of the laws, regulations, plans, general provisions, and acts that have to be formally published in the official newspapers of the public administrations, which constitute the only instrument that attests to its authenticity and content.

The information available on this website should be understood as a guide without the purpose of legal validity.

10. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

This Legal Notice is governed by Spanish law.

The parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals that correspond to them based on the applicable procedural legislation.

INFORMAZIONI DI BASE SULLA PROTEZIONE DEI DATI PERSONALI Responsabile: BOOKING HOSTELS SL. Scopo: Oltre che per inviarle informazioni commerciali sui nostri prodotti e servizi. Legittimazione: Il suo consenso, l’interesse legittimo. Destinatario: Non trasmetteremo i suoi dati a terzi, a meno che non sia legalmente obbligato a farlo. Diritti: Può esercitare i suoi diritti di accesso, rettifica o cancellazione dei dati, nonché altri diritti presso Allo stesso modo, la informiamo che se non desidera ricevere informazioni commerciali sui nostri prodotti e servizi, è pregato di comunicarcelo nel corpo del messaggio (nel modulo precedente) o di scriverci all’indirizzo e-mail indicato nel paragrafo precedente. Informazioni aggiuntive: Termini e condizioni

Direct booking

Without intermediaries

Breakfast and lunch


Family rooms

Shared rooms

BASISINFORMATIE OVER DE BESCHERMING VAN PERSOONSGEGEVENS Verantwoordelijk: BOOKING HOSTELS. Doel: alsmede om u commerciële informatie over onze producten en diensten toe te sturen. Legitimatie: Uw eigen toestemming, legitiem belang. Ontvanger: Wij geven uw gegevens niet door aan derden, tenzij wij daartoe wettelijk verplicht zijn.. Rechten: U kunt uw recht op toegang, rectificatie of verwijdering van gegevens, alsmede andere rechten uitoefenen bij Evenzo informeren wij u dat als u geen commerciële informatie over onze producten en diensten wenst te ontvangen, u ons dat kunt laten weten in de body van het bericht (in het formulier hierboven) of ons kunt schrijven op het e-mailadres dat in de vorige paragraaf is vermeld. Aanvullende informatie: Voorwaarden

Direct boeken

Zonder tussenpersonen

Ontbijt en lunch



Gedeelde kamers